Wednesday, December 31, 2014


'Tis the season, folks.  You know...that time of year when we all promise stuff we are going to do more or better or less or not at all.  It's no secret that i think my kids are pretty much the most amazing little human beings God ever put on this Earth, but my 8 year old has did something 2 days ago that threw down the gauntlet.

We read a book recently for history about Benjamin Franklin.  Apparently he reached a point in his life where decided he needed to make some personal changes.  In order to keep himself accountable, he made a list of his "resolutions" & kept it in his pocket so he could pull it out & read it & remind himself of the man he was striving to be. This idea has inspired my 8 year old son, Nate.  Two days ago i found him in our classroom writing this:
He's been carrying it in his pocket & pulling it out & reading it to remind himself of the kind of "man" he wants to be. 

I've always thought New Year's Resolutions were kinda overrated.  Mostly because i never really stick to any of mine for more than a week or two and neither does anyone else i know.  But today (thanks to Nate) i'm captivated by the knowledge that this New Year will bring a new opportunity to reflect on the kind of woman/wife/mom/friend/sister/daughter i want to be and to keep myself accountable to make the necessary changes.  Carrying a list in my pocket?  Nah.  That's highly unlikely.  But if i were gonna make a list this is probably what it would look like:

More Sleep/Rest
More FaceTime with Jesus
More Love, Grace, Humility, & Compassion
More Thinking and Listening 
More Long Walks with the Dog
More Long Runs with my Ipod 
More Laughter, Books, & Time Invested in the 5 Most Important People in my World

Less Exhaustion
Less Electronics & Social Media
Less Personal Judgements, Criticism, & Complaining 
Less Talking to & Listening to Other People who Complain
Less Excuses
Less Trying to Capture Moments to Upload to Facebook & Instagram & just LIVING IN the Moments 

In a nutshell, I want to spend 2015 sweating, laughing, reading, and on my knees listening & praying rather than being physically, mentally, & emotionally weighed down by things and people that will leave no true, lasting, positive impact on the lives of the people i love.  I realize that may seem selfish or even downright mean at times to others who don't understand or who are too self-involved to ask why.  But i think this New Year needs to be a new start for a Nichole who is less plugged in to the chaos of the world around her and more plugged in to the beauty of the world within her walls.  

Go figure.  My 8 year old made me realize that if i really want to impact the world around me, i'd be wise to start with the people closest to my heart.  I always knew my kids were amazing...